Priscilla Serrato
Board Member
Priscilla is a Waco native and a graduate of Baylor University and Tarleton State University. Currently, Priscilla is a Bilingual Licensed Master Social Worker with a background in Child Protective Services. Priscilla also serves as the Senior Coordinator for Education & Training for the department of Multicultural Affairs at Baylor University. Priscilla has served in the Junior League of Waco for 10 years which is an organization that plugs women into the community and provides women with an opportunity to develop as a leader. Priscilla strives to work with other leaders throughout the community to educate, empower and advocate for the members in the community. Priscilla’s goal has been to strengthen underrepresented voices and the voices of the under-resourced; by bringing diversity and having the opportunity to “communicate community”. She works hard in contributing to improve the lives of children in foster care by providing them with stability, support and opportunities. Priscilla accomplishes just that by educating community members about amazing projects and resources that are available.